Andrew Kao

Hello! I am a PhD student in Economics at Harvard. My current research interests include political economy, IO, and trade in the context of frontier technologies such as artificial intelligence. I am also an affiliate at Harvard’s Center for American Political Studies and Center for International Development. I graduated from the University of Chicago with a BS in computational and applied math and a BA in economics. My CV is located here.


“AI-tocracy” with Martin Beraja, David Yang, and Noam YuchtmanQuarterly Journal of Economics (2023)
Press: NYT CSIS Harvard Gazette IEEE Spectrum MIT Technology Review

“Protests” with Davide Cantoni, David Yang, and Noam Yuchtman - Annual Review of Economics (2024)

Working papers

“Exporting the Surveillance State via Trade in AI” with Martin Beraja, David Yang, and Noam Yuchtman
NBER working paper (September 2023)

“Evaluating Large Language Models’ Capability to Launch Fully Automated and Personalized Phishing Campaigns: Validated on Human Subjects” with Fredrik Heiding, Simon Lermen, Arun Vishwanath, and Bruce Schneier
Working paper (November 2024)
2 min. summary Press: Hacker News Zvi Moshowitz Daniel Miessler MalwareBytes CivAI

Works in progress

“Puppetmasters or Pawns? The Power of Congressional Staffers” with Sara Ji

“Economic Espionage and Knowledge Diffusion Under US-China Rivalry” with Karthik Tadepalli

Policy Articles

  • “How the surveillance state is exported through trade in AI” VoxDev column (September 2023)
  • “Autocratic AI dystopias: From science fiction to social science fact” with Martin Beraja, David Yang, and Noam Yuchtman. VoxDev column (May 2023)
  • “Autocratic AI dystopias: From science fiction to social science fact” with Martin Beraja, David Yang, and Noam Yuchtman. VoxEU column (December 2021)